How To Increase Accuracy Of Google Search Engine
How To Increase Accuracy Of Google Search Engine - You may never look for something on google but the search results do not match what you want. This post I created to make it easier to use the Google search engine and can also help you find something faster you are looking for.To avoid irrelevant information is necessary for filtering the search. Each search engine has to provide a way to perform filtering of keywords that allows users to find what they are looking for.
Something I was looking on google does not fit with what I want, why is that?
That's because you do not perform filtering on keywords you type. Thus the search engine will display the words in accordance with the content you supply, but you will hardly find what you're looking for.
Then how to solve that problem?
The trick is to add a symbol of Mathematics and Logic at the keywords that you entered. Some of them are the symbol of the Plus (+) Minus (-), and Quote ("...").
1. Plus (+)
The first symbol is useful to increase the accuracy of the search is a plus symbol (+). This symbol is used when you want to look for an article more than one word.
For example, we search for articles containing the word +cara+membuat+blog (+How+to+create+a+blog). By providing (+), the documents do not contain the word will not be displayed. Search results can be seen in the picture below.
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Search results using keywords +cara+membuat+blog |
2. Minus (-)
The second symbol is the Minus (-). This symbol can be interpreted as an exception. By typing this symbol then search engines will display information on the front of this symbol, but not the word that is behind this symbol.
For example, by typing +cara+membuat+blog -website (+how+to+create+a+blog -website). Now look at the picture that is above this, there are articles that discuss cara membuat website (How to create a website), even though we had just written cara membuat blog (How to create a blog). By using the symbol (-) problems would be resolved. See the results in the image below.
For example, by typing +cara+membuat+blog -website (+how+to+create+a+blog -website). Now look at the picture that is above this, there are articles that discuss cara membuat website (How to create a website), even though we had just written cara membuat blog (How to create a blog). By using the symbol (-) problems would be resolved. See the results in the image below.
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Search results using keywords +cara+membuat+blog -website |
How? Very different from the previous. By using the minus symbol (-) the search results you get arguably more satisfying than ever.
Important Notes:
It should be noted the use of "Space" before the Minus sign (-). If there is no "Space" then the search engines do not read it as the Minus (-), but the Plus (+).
It should be noted the use of "Space" before the Minus sign (-). If there is no "Space" then the search engines do not read it as the Minus (-), but the Plus (+).
3. Quote ("...")
Quote marks ("...") is used to focus the search on the keywords that really desired. The search engines will index the words or text exactly matches the keyword that is in quotes.
For example, by typing "cara ampuh agar blog banyak pengunjung" ("how to increase visitor blog") then the search engines will index the focus of what you're typing in the quotes. The result can be seen in the picture below.
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The results of a search using the keyword "cara ampuh agar blog banyak pengunjung" |
That is how to maximize google search, I hope to find out this way you can more easily search for something you need and do not go to sites that are not desirable.
So that I can convey, when there is one-one said I apologize for impiety. Otherwise you do not understand please comment.
Sorry for my bad english, actually this article using Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian). I using "Google Translate" to translate my article, if you want to know the real of this article, you can visit my blog Masterbama Official